Friday, February 28, 2014

house comp


The other day year 5 and 6 had a house competition. Mr Moriarty had to pick four leaders, Jacob was already a young leader so he only had to pick three more leaders. He picked Braeden, me and another boy, but I don't know his name. We got into 4 groups and I was group 3 so I had to write on all of their hands the number 3. Then we all could go to morning tea.

When we got back from morning tea we had to meet at the courts and we saw a whole field full of exciting looking activities.  My group started at the three legged race. Some of the little kids were quite nervous so I went over to them and explained what to do and that made them feel a lot better. GO! Mr moriarty said, so me and Tyrone ran off 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 then we went to throw the ball at the cricket wicket yes we both got it we ran back 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 we made it back and I high fived Tyrone. Then another 2 kids went, when it got to the end there was one kid who did not do it because there were not enough kids so I went with him. HOONNNNK! The buzzer went and it was time to move on.

Next we went to the jats throw which is where you have to throw a big jat into a bucket.I went first and I didn’t make it but the next time I got it and I yelled Yes! but I didn’t want to be lemon so I decided to be a kumara ( it means its a sweet a potato which is to be nice and not to brag about everything)  so I said keep going team you are doing really well. HOOOONNNNNNNK there goes the buzzer again we need to move along.

Next was the baton race what you had to to is, one of you would start at the back with the baton and pass the baton to the front and you keep bassing it to the front. but the time cepet coming down so we only got about 3 because you had to start at a cone and finish at a cone and if you make it you run back.We kept  going crickard because we went that good HOOOONNNNK! there goes the buzzer again.

The next activity was a ball throw what you had to do was you run to a hoop and if you dont make it to a hoop because there wasn't enough so you get to throw the ball to the first person and so on and so on but if you drop it you have to you restart.We only got about 3 because the young ones couldn’t catch the ball so I said to them keep going you can do it so they caught them HOOOONNNNK there goes the buzzer for the final time I went to the little kids and said well done I am impressed you guys.we went to sit down and then the bell went so we could all go home it was a fun day I wish I could do it again.


  1. I like the way you described every thing you did I also like the way you put in the hhhhhhhhhooooooooonnnnnnnnkkkkkkk in.

  2. What a great story Kory, keep up all the hard work you have been putting in!
