Wolverines live in Alaska,Asia and Europe. They live up to about 7-12 years. Their dens , where they live, underground,den rocks, trees or in hollow logs. wolverines average height is 66 to 86 cm tall. Males weigh from 12 to 18 kgs. Females weigh up to about 11 to 18 kgs. Males grow up to about 16 inches and females grow to about the same.
Wolverines are also called a devil bear because Wolverines look like small bears and they are very vicious. They are a part of the weasel family. Most Wolverines breed in the summertime. It travels 15 miles ( 24 k ) in a single day just to catch food. Wolverines eat deer, beavers, elk and squirrels. Wolverines eat a bit of vegetarian food like roots, seeds and berries but they mainly have a diet of meat.
The wolverine does not hunt in packs because they want all the food to themself so they can get full and not hungry so they don't have to travel all the time .
The wolverine has small round ears their back feet are webbed and their front feet have very strong claws. They look for a home. They are mammals which means its not born out of an egg.
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